Business: it's actions that matter
Business Gael Hillyard Business Gael Hillyard

Business: it's actions that matter

There are a lot of great companies out there and I love discovering them. They may not always get it right and their own suppliers may themselves be dubious, but the business and the management seem to have integrity and a willingness to push forward through discrimination and identity labelling. However, to those who allocate large budgets to share a message similar to: ‘black / gay / trans / disabled people we want to show our support to you, let us tell the world how great we are for doing this’ I doubt I will be using you any time soon. It is not just your product that is critical to whether or not I make a purchase; it is how you act that makes a difference.

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Lockdown revisted
Gael Hillyard Gael Hillyard

Lockdown revisted

One morning in late February 2001 I half listened to Farming Today as I started to wake. Normally the programme was full of chatter, soundbites from auctions and talk of politics and money. That morning it was silent apart from the sound of a man crying, broken occasionally by his voice talking about the need to dismiss staff, the loss of his investments, fears for the future, and above all, the welfare of his animals. It was the first outbreak of Foot and Mouth since 1967, and was an event that was as devasting to farmers, animals and businesses as COVID-19 is today.

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