Discovering colour and techniques
for vibrant, modern paintings

10:00 - 16:00 Saturday 15 February 2020
Inverness Creative Academy IV2 3JP

£40 per person (includes materials, refreshments and goody bag)

Shepherd’s Warning: sailing the rough seas to Eigg,

Shepherd’s Warning: sailing the rough seas to Eigg,

In this one day workshop you will learn about the properties of watercolour and how to get the most from your paints, paper, and brushes.

You will work on several techniques, and learn how to create vibrancy, light, and depth in your artwork, as well as how to prepare and copy your work for sale and printing.

All materials are provided, and you will leave with a completed work, plus a goody bag of lovely, high quality treats so you can practice a little more at home.

Teas and coffees will be served throughout the day. Numbers are limited so please book early to reserve your place.